Here at Bonnie Dixson Art we pride ourselves on manners and always show our gratitude to those who inspire our creative works.
The following are the letters sent out in thanks.
Feel free to have a browse…
A Letter to Tom Hardy
By Bonnie Dixson
What do you say to Tom Hardy?…she says with a blush.
That CBeebies read mate…
Well it just hit women, deep inside, you know.
All those woman sat at home, kids screaming, shit men messaging, and the same shit day on repeat for the foreseeable future.
Until one day your kid sits all comfy on the sofa, ready for a nap.
You sit next to them because your just so fucking tired.
CBeebies bedtime stories on, eyes drooping because god forbid, you should ever allow yourself a bloody sit down.
A sexy gruff voice wakes me…
“Tom Hardy?”
I look at my small, blonde, adorable, two year old. She is nodding off, bottle still in her soft pink lips.
I look back at the screen. “Shit, I’m dreaming. I’m dreaming, a soon to be, steamy, dream, with Tom Hardy (They always are, when Tom makes an appearance). My bloody two year old can not be present. Bloody wake up” I say to myself as I pinch my arm.
I could pinch all I wanted. I was not asleep. Tom Hardy…the sexy specimen of a man…with the perfect amount of bad boy, was actually on my TV screen, reading the most adorable story, to countless little babas out there. All their mothers catching sight of the sex god, the sensitive man, the family man, the fucking perfect man.
I thank you, for all the imaginary time we spent together after that day. Our perfect, imaginary, marriage, has helped me to survive countless dickheads (Oh bloody hell, I sound like a right slapper, don’t I? Not that bloody many, thank you very much) I will treasure them all.
I of course named you in one of my issues “I Can Buy Myself Flowers’. I will enclose the piece along with this thanks.
Farewell Tom Hardy
…until we meet again, in my dreams… probably tonight (the memory has freshened up…she says with a seductive shrug).
Bonnie x
A Letter To Miley Cyrus
By Bonnie Dixson
Dear Miley Cyrus.
I wanted to thank-you for your song ‘Flowers’, it coincided with a break up I was going through at the time of release.
I seem to have particular, shit taste in men.
Fucking idiots.
Your song encouraged me to go out and buy myself flowers.
Inspired by yourself and your song, I have created my own piece of artwork.
I will enclose said artwork along with this thanks.
All the best.
Bonnie x
A Letter To Ann Summers
By Bonnie Dixson
Dear Ann Summers.
I thank-you for your fabulous array of sex toys.
In honour of an item you stock I have created a piece of artwork.
Thank-you for your inspiration.
I will enclose said artwork ‘I Can Buy Myself Flowers’ along with this thanks.
Bonnie x
A Letter To Lovehoney
By Bonnie Dixson
Dear Lovehoney.
I thank-you for your fabulous array of sex toys.
In honour of an item you stock I have created a piece of artwork.
Thank-you for your inspiration.
I will enclose said artwork ‘I Can Buy Myself Flowers’ along with this thanks.
Bonnie x
A Letter Renee Zellweger
By Bonnie Dixson
Dear Renee Zellweger.
I am writing this letter of thanks for all the inspiration your portrayal of ‘Bridget Jones’ has given me. You are truly inspiring.
I have been struggling with life for my entire thirty six years, with the most ridiculous things happen to me.
I’d often compare my life to a ‘Bridget Jones’ movie and it always helped me laugh it off.
Another comparison is my shit taste in men. What a fucking nightmare I’ve had with them!
Having begun my own form of a diary including my artwork, I wanted to give thanks for your inspiration.
I will send you a copy of my second piece ‘More Issues Than Vogue’ along with this thanks.
All the best.
Bonnie x
A Letter To Vogue
By Bonnie Dixson
“Oh my dear Vogue, how I have worshipped you, and tried to recreate your fashions with the cheaper options from Primarni.”
I first discovered your magazine when I was twelve years old and I have been hooked ever since.
Never actually got to the point of purchasing the ‘real’ fashion issued, yet it always gave me hope.
“Fuck me, bath me in designer, oh universe.”
Your magazine became such an important part of my life that it has begun to inspire my artistic works.
I will send a copy of my second piece ‘More Issues Than Vogue’ along with this thanks.
Bonnie x
A Letter To Soul Therapy 1111 Ltd
By Bonnie Dixson
Soul Therapy 1111 Ltd, a massive thank-you for your excellent work.
I’m hooked on your tarot readings and the way you deliver them. You tell it real and with no fucks given, truly inspiring.
I am an artist living in Manchester and I’m giving my business a re-vamp.
Your “spill the tea”, inspired the name of my first piece of text, I will enclose it along with this thanks.
Deffo a fan over here.
All the best
Bonnie x
A Letter To The Inside Times
By Bonnie Dixson
To whom ever this letter may concern.
I am an artist living in Manchester and I would like to ask you to place my ‘issues’ in your paper.
I will send four to you in advance, with a pretext, along with instructions on which order to issue first, to enable you to see in advance what I would like to say.
This in my understanding, will cover four of your monthly editions.
I hope that you will read all the documents I send, so you can gather an understanding of the reasons for my request.
I have been the victim of crime.
Most family members of your inmates are, yet not accepted as such. Treated like scum, you might say. It extends the trauma.
When one of your inmates commits a crime it has ramifications on all those around them. If you read my stories you will see that my case was on the extreme side, but still.
I was traumatised by my experiences and it has severely affected my life. I am only just coming to a place of acceptance and am beginning to heal.
I wish to share my experiences and make good use of the woman that I have been moulded into, by modelling the ability to overcome it all and use it to my own advantage.
I understand that I do swear within my work and would be willing to compromise on such, but I would appreciate it, if you would read the following before you make your conclusion.
The reason I swear within my work is because it sums up who I am and what I am about.
I am a real person that has been through a lot of trauma and was born without a silver spoon. I have had to survive life on my own with little support from anyone.
My target audience is within your cells.
You house the readers that I wish to reach the most.
You cannot tell me they don’t swear.
We all fucking swear. It’s relatable. It makes us human.
It’s 2024… swearing is part of the common tongue.
I also presume that your paper is for adult readers only?
I swear because my target audience are more likely to pay attention to what I have to say, and trust me I have a lot to say. More issues than vogue that I wish to bombard the world with.
I am trying to become a better person.
A better mother.
…And use the fucking skills I have gained over my thirty six years to dig myself out of my shit hole.
I do hope you will participate in my endeavour and consider issuing my letters in your paper.
Bonnie x
P.S please don’t let the swearing put you off. If it really is a problem, I can edit… (said through gritted teeth, with a smile) …each piece into a clean version.
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